
If you are considering investing $10,000 in AAPL and we issue a 100% Buy signal then we are suggesting to invest the $10,000. If we issue another 100% Buy signal in AAPL and you have already invested your $10,000 then no further action is suggested unless you wish to allocate more money to AAPL.

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The Buy triggers that are the most extreme, 100%, seem to deliver a good outcome to the upside. However, there are many situations where a security doesn't get to 100% Buy. The lower percentages that are a function of movement in price to the upside do seem to provide protection from overcommitting to a particular security that has already made a run. The platform is not sensitive to time, just price so there is no way to know when a security will reach a price target either up or down. We are not trying to overlay any technical trends on price objectives. We are simply applying a percentage change in price to the previous Buy or Sell signal. We do not do futures at this point. A number of our subscribers are using GTC Limit orders on execution of Buy and Sell orders. Hope this helps

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I noticed that several times it says 100% buy at some price and then 100% buy at a higher price? So in this example, If you provide a 100% buy signal on AAPL I would invest all the money I want to invest in AAPL at that time. What happens when it shows another 100% buy? put more money in?

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I want.5,dollar chaire.

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Constructive comment

This math you are using is very good. I like the % ratios of the buy /sells . But your best trades will be at your posted extremes. So do I join the run or wait till the ratio hits 100,

BA would be a good example. I fully expect BA to hit near your lower posted mark, I also know that around 158. we could do a retrace to 161 without wreaking the downtrend. I like the degree of color temps , but I am wondering if you are able to attach a time period possibility for a trade? A lot of what I see here can get more than a day to achieve.

Thanks for everything for far.

Can you do this for futures?

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Can you use this on futures

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Constructive comment

This math you are using is very good. I like the % ratios of the buy /sells . But your best trades will be at your posted extremes. So do I join the run or wait till the ratio hits 100,

BA would be a good example. I fully expect BA to hit near your lower posted mark, I also know that around 158. we could do a retrace to 161 without wreaking the down trend. I like the degree of color temps , but I am wondering if you are able to attach a time period possibilty for a trade? A lot of what I see here can get more than a day to achive.

Thanks for everything for far.

Can you do this for futures?

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